Monday, July 12, 2010

President Lincoln, President Obama...President Weir?

As most of you can imagine, I have so much to share about my weekend with mom and my first Monday on the job. Yet, I am so incredibly exhausted from the day - it began with my metro card being demagnetized...again - and ended with the Dupont Station closed because of smoke. I stormed out of Metro Center - frustrated because I had to work late and combat the commuting crowds - only to emerge from the station to a rainstorm. With the thought of a two-mile trek home, I opted for a cab ride which became a disaster in its own right. Any time you are discussing FICO scores and credit reports with your cab driver in bumper-t0-bumper traffic with NPR blasting in your ears - well - it wasn't an easy ride.

As for the snapshot - that's me in the infamous Ford's Theatre where President Lincoln was assassinated (for all those weak on their history - and YOU know who are!) - I am sitting tall in the seat where President Obama sits when attending functions at the theater. Yes, it's totally lame and extremely tourist-like to snap that photograph, but I just couldn't help myself. Me, Obama & Lincoln all breathing the same air - magic!

There's lots to share about the weekend - however, it's been a tough day. The good news is that I'm heading to the DOE tomorrow - the building where Arne lives & works - so there is a possibility - slim, of course - that we might casually meet on the elevator. I'm bringing my camera - More importantly, I got insider-information that my good friend and fellow Trinity bantam lives in the same neighborhood as Arne - this opens up a whole new set of opportunities for a 'chance encounter.'

One last thought - Osamudia & Ted - I love the policy discussion. The only thing better would be the three of us hammering it out in Washington together.


  1. Glad you had a good week-end with your Mother. Sorry you are having so much with your card.
    You look great in that chair. Do you feel any different after sitting there? Our Pastor and family left yesterday for a week in DC.

  2. Sorry about two comments. I had trouble getting it published.

  3. This picture represents so many things I love about you! Enthusiastic, knowledgeable about history, and prepared for a day of sightseeing! Your mention of new opportunities for "chance encounters" made me laugh; I had images of you running down the block with your friend, and just "happening" to bump into him as he took out the garbage or something.

    How did DOE go???

    And what sort of mascot is a bantam??? Go Fighting Quakers! ;)

  4. Ker, you always make me smile .... just seeing the photo reminded me of the great girl weekend we had. Taxi drivers in DC must be well-educated. My driver was listening to NPR too when I took the cab on Friday.Give me the great old NYC transit system any day though. It's old and steamy underground but it seems to run a heck of alot better than the Metro with all of that futuristic feel to it.I have my fingers crossed that you bump into Arne. Maybe I should still write that letter - take care - love ya, MOM
